With Americans spending 534.9 million accumulated days camping in a given year, it’s safe to say that family camping is an American past time. Camp sites and tent camping can be fun, but with small children, it often becomes a trying task. When you’re camping with small children or large groups, family cabin rentals are […]
Two New Camping Comforts That Will Make You Forget You’re Sleeping in a Tent
Camping is, without a doubt, one of the most rewarding and enjoyable activities to do as a family. In 2013, people all across the country spent a combined 516.6 million days camping! That’s because no other vacation lets you escape from the endless distractions of modern-day life like a family camping trip will — and […]
Three Ways You and Your Family Can Respect the Environment While Camping
Camping has been a favorite pastime for American families for decades, and is far from waning in popularity. In fact, an amazing 43 million Americans went on at least one camping excursion in the last year. One of the best things about camping with your family is that it can help you teach your kids […]
New Job? Three Reasons to Take Advantage of Temporary Corporate Housing
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 40 million Americans move each year. Of those, a significant number move to further their careers, with a promotion just in the next county, state, or region. Relocating for a job brings with it a number of serious challenges — you have to say goodbye to your friends and […]
Two Ways to Get Scratched Sunglass Lenses Replaced
People love their accessories, especially their sunglasses. They’re a mark of fashion, whether you’re an aviator or a Wayfarer style type. They’re a mark of expensive taste, since many of the most popular sunglasses are made by designer companies like Ray Ban, Arnette, or Oakley. There are few worse things that can happen than damaging […]
Three Sports That Sunglasses Are Essential for
Sunglasses are an important accessory for any outsdoorsman or sports player. Keeping the sun out of your eyes helps you see more clearly which can increase safety and your performance. A quality pair of sunglasses that are in good shape can keep your vision clear so you can focus on the game or activity, but […]
Don’t Throw Out Those Scratched Sunglasses Just Yet
Sunglasses are almost notoriously easy to break. Every 14 minutes someone in America loses, breaks, or sits on their sunglasses. One of the worst ways to damage your sunglasses is to scratch the lenses. Maybe you just put them in your pocket or purse with all of your other things, including your strangely sharp keys […]
Scratched Sunglasses? Get Polarized Replacement Lenses
Wearing sunglasses is about more than just making a fashion statement. They are a favorite summertime accessory, but what sunglasses really do for us, especially if the lenses are polarized, is protect us from the UV rays that can damage our eyes. In the U.S., someone breaks, loses, or sits on their sunglasses every 14 […]
Cabin Camping in the Wilderness A Luxury
Cabin camping is a fun past time for many families. For years families have braved the wilderness to enjoy the camping life of the outdoors through tent camping, cabin camping, RV camping and yurt camping. Family camping resorts can be as little accommodating to as much as one wants. A family can rough it in […]